
Spin around the world.

It is no secret, I am a spin junkie. For most of my undergrad I was vehicle-less relying on my two pedals and legs to commute. I biked to work, rain or sunshine, and loved every minute of it. But, when the inevitable winter chill hits, transforming Saskatchewan into a skating rink, I'm out.  I respect those crazy brave people who strap on a helmet and master the slick streets. Really, I do. 
The exception: Me in 2009 biking an Ecuadorian Volcano.
To get my fix, winter months are spent pedaling indoors at spin classes. During one such class in Dublin, I realized I have unintentionally 'spun' in every country I have called home. After an hour of sweating it out under the direction of an Irish accent, I laughed as I realized how much of the country's unique culture is apparent in the gym.  Can you figure out where each of the spin classes described below was held?

Answers include: Saskatoon, Guatemala, Ecuador, Sweden, Calgary, & Dublin

1) I distinctively remember laughing through entire classes here. Spin is held in a small room consisting of floor to ceiling windows, that never open. In this hot country, an exercise room without fans, AC, or open windows is not good; the humidity like a thick blanket. Class is comparable to the night club; lights off, a disco ball flipped on, and Spanish music pumping! A little round man leads the class, walking around the room dancing and singing, swaying his hips the way only latin men can.

2) This spin studio feels like an exclusive club, where all the girls have matching lulus and seem to have been friends for life. The studio is so obviously designed by a woman with ear plugs for loud music, mint scented towels to clean your bike, hair elastics for all, and amazingly energetic instructors to keep you motivated on the days you regret showing up.

3) The gym here was home to a number of birds whose cages were strategically placed between cardio machines, allowing the parrots the perfect view from which to squeal at and heckle gym patrons. Those parrots, they can actually be quite motivating as they criticize your form! After a while you won't be bothered when class starts anywhere from 10-60 minutes late, or is randomly cancelled without notice.
"Slow poke! Slow poke!"
4) Here classes also start late, and no one seems to be bothered, too busy visiting with their neighbors and making new friends. The instructor, a thick man with an equally thick accent, is amazingly motivating despite hardly sitting on his bike. There is no cheating by pretending to turn the resistance up. When the thick man yells "resistance at 14 and 100 rpm, GO" he means it, and will stand in front of your bike until your machine hits that impossible number. But after class, he will congratulate you for working so hard, and try to hug you despite your sweaty state, because in this country, people are so nice.

5) My first introduction to spin classes, and likely the most serious experience to date. Regular 6am classes are the norm, your instructor will show up and pedal hard even when 7 months pregnant. Most memorable quotes include, "if you're talking you're not working hard enough!" and "you can do anything for 30 more seconds!" She is right. It was here I would first consider becoming a spin instructor, because in this rat-race country, my mind always seems to fall back to work.

6) Here you learn how to recognize numbers in an attempt to fumble along with the instructions in a foreign language. I am typically the lone female in a class filled with men in the shortest shorts imaginable, speaking to man's desire to attain a very slim physique in this area of the world. Classes are consistent, tardiness is not permitted, and Swedish House Mafia themed months are common.

Incase you actually read this far, (I am impressed!), highlight line below to reveal answers:
1) Ecuador, 2) Calgary, 3) Guatemala, 4) Ireland,  5) Saskatoon,  6) Sweden

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