Really, he does.

In 1835 Pope Gregory donated Saint Valentine's remains to the Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in an attempt to promote Catholicism in Ireland. When you find yourself in Dublin on the 14th of February, you naturally plan a visit to the man himself.

Here we were reminded why we celebrate love on the 14th of February. There are several variations of St. Valentine's story; the prevalent version in Ireland seems to be that St. Valentine married couples in secret, without their parents blessing. Another variation explains that the ruling Emperor Claudios II was of the opinion that single men made better soldiers, and as such restricted marriage. St. Valentine continued performing marriages despite direct orders from the Emperor to cease, and was eventually sentenced to death, beaten and beheaded. St. Valentine is said to have lived and died for love.

When the sun shines for a full day, (a Valentines miracle), you are guaranteed to enjoy the day regardless of your participation level in cheesy celebrations. For some, the perfect Vday includes exploring a new park in the warm sun and indulging on several new pairs of shoes. On such such days impromptu outdoor concerts of Bruno Mars covers are well embraced, followed by a sunset run in the beloved Phoneix Park.

And lastly, as if the day wasn't perfect enough, you will fill the apartment with the aroma of yummy glogg before heading downtown to take in an outdoor screening of Amelie complete with popcorn, hot chocolate and cozy blankets to keep you warm under the stars.

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