Despite consuming what is likely approaching a fatal amount of Gramma's apple pies, I am hopeless in the kitchen and completely ignorant to the proces it takes to put together the piece of art that I so often crave. Instead I operate on the assumption that the basement deep freeze at 202 Alberta Drive is a magical place of never ending pies stocked by hard working pie fairies whose uniform includes a mini flour covered apron. And if you do raid the magical freezer's stock, upon the simple act of returning an empty pie plate, you will be rewarded with a full replacement pie!

Gramma was incredibly patient with both K and I; providing the sweetest aprons, pausing for photos, and most importantly not breaking stride despite the numerous egg shells that seemed to find their way into the mix. It was a very special day for K and I, one which I definitely will never forget.

Our interpretation of the step, "whisk until you achieve 'soft peaks'"

The lesson was a success on so many levels; delicious pies were made, we have an abundance of photos with cutesy aprons, K walked away with her own container of tapioca, but most importantly, we were able to spend a wonderful day with a woman we admire.

Thanks Gramma. You're the best.
that's legit pie! i have only make pies with pre-made crust... hahah cheater.