Some of the best times traveling occur through blind exploring, which goes something like this:
Arrive in a brand new country, ignorant even to what the local currency is.And you will wander. Completely un-phased by the fact that you don't have the faintest idea what direction you're heading.
Hail a cab.
Wait, find a cash machine.
Ok, now get back in the cab.
Get ripped off by said cab. C'est la vie.
Meet your friend, (and gracious host), who cuts you an apartment key, gives you some general directions, and advises, "have fun, but Chels maybe you should find a map."
This guy knows me too well.
I have yet to decide what is more is a more important element guaranteeing a successful trip; traveling completely blindly with the lowest of expectations, or, traveling with people you love. On this trip, I was blessed to do both. Note the look of love below.

Friends be warned; I have no issues with inviting myself on your honeymoons, and this poor couple put up with me on their SECOND honeymoon. (Recall the Australia photos, ie: first honeymoon). Regardless of my lack of manners, at the end of our first day, N commented, "I have to say guys, I just had the most fantastic day." I agree. What a day.

When a rain storm storm ruins your plans for an evening out, you will silently rejoice, excited that you get to spend the evening in with your friends; talking, laughing, eating, drinking, talking, talking, laughing, reminiscing, and again, laughing.
It is random events that makes each trip so
perfect. For example; when you are suffering from TMJ, and absentmindedly mention it to
your dentistry friend, the next day you may be sitting in his chair, as
he inspects your jaw and cleans your teeth. R, you are legit. I apologize for laughing hysterically, I am sure this made your job difficult. You are the best dentist I know! (How cute?!)
And after a day spent traveling five hours by foot, the Hungarian baths are just what you need to sooth your aches, (ie: your sore shoulder from lugging around your suitcase of a camera). You will quickly discover the "whirpool," where the current spins you round and round, bumping you into every neighboring senior and tourist, limbs flailing, and causing the entire pool to burst into uncontrollable laughter. Such a strange yet addicting experience.
Your curiosity is peaked as you watch dozens of bikini and speedo clad locals filter through a small door on a neighboring building. You will cautiously follow them and rejoice as you stumble upon numerous indoor thermal pools, where you'll dart between +80 degrees saunas, and 16 degrees pools, soaking up the healing scents in the eucalyptuses sauna. My sinuses thank you.

Above, R & N's reactions to the tiniest, scariest, most awful, horrible, terrible elevator on earth, the main means of transportation to R's apartment. (I am claustrophobic). I could not bare to share the photo of me in the elevator, most of you haven't seen me cry yet....

I would advise you find yourself a windowsill to perch on and take it all in. Here you'll contemplate taking a photography course so future night photos don't end up like the junk below...
Thank you R&N for allowing me to crash your honeymoon, for a second time.
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